Combine harvesters, often referred to as combines, is a machine used in the agricultural industry to harvest grain crops. Historically, there were three elements to properly harvesting grain crops: reaping, threshing, and winnowing. The combine harvester combines all three of these separate operations into one single process. In doing so, harvesting grains becomes a seamless process, contributing to the massive production of a wide range of grain crops.
When a harvester or combine is used on a farming field, the process leaves waste straw behind on the field, which is the remaining dried leaves and stems. These straws maintain a limited number of nutrients and are often chopped and spread along the field or even baled where livestock is able to feed on and use as bedding. Some of those most common grain crops that are harvested include the following:
- Oats
- Rye
- Wheat
- Barley
- Soybeans
- Corn
- Flax
Combine harvesters have come a long way in terms of machinery advancements and developments. As the electronics were introduced to the machines, the operators of these harvesters are now able to optimize ground speed and other operational parameters in order to get better grain yields and boost overall productivity. Harvesters are commonly seen throughout the farming fields of Oklahoma. Many motorists in Oklahoma will recognize these large vehicles while traveling along the roadways across the state.
Edwards Law Firm has proudly represented the residents of Oklahoma for many, many years. During this time, we have come to understand just what it takes to not only be successful in the courtroom, but to ensure that our clients feel comfortable and taken care of all the while. We combine years of experience, supreme knowledge of the law, and a deep compassion for Oklahoma residents to create a winning personal injury law firm.
To learn more about your legal options, please complete a Free Case Review form today.
Harvester Accidents
While harvester combines play an important role in the agriculture industry, they also offer a wide range of potential hazards for users and those in close proximity to the machinery. Harvester accidents occur far more often than many Oklahoma residents would believe. In fact, some of Oklahoma’s most fatal and serious injuries involved improper operations with harvester combines. Therefore, it is absolutely essential for all of those working with harvesters or near them is aware of the potential dangers that exist.
When it comes to harvester accidents, the majority of the largest hazards involve the machines moving parts. Working closely with a combine involves being incredibly alert, as even the slightest error can lead to catastrophic injuries and in many cases death. Some of the most severe hazards related to harvester accidents are as follows:
- User becomes entangled with the discharge or leveling in the grain tank
- Improper use of the straw chopper or spreader mechanism at the rear
- User is pulled into the cutting feature
- Any contact with the reel, knife, or stripper rotor
- Drive mechanisms injure the user or trap the user during use of automatic sensor operations
- Being run over by the harvester
- Injuries due to the header falling from the transport trailer
Any of the above hazards can lead to severe injuries or a fatality. Therefore, it is critical for all of those working with harvesters in the state of Oklahoma to exercise extreme caution at all times. Far too often those working with grain crops become stuck in a routine and neglect to adhere to safety regulations. If you or a loved one has been involved in any kind of harvester accidents, Edwards Law Firm is here to help.
Contact an Experienced Oklahoma Accident Lawyer
While less common than a semi-truck accident, harvester accidents are surprisingly frequent. When an Oklahoma resident works closely with harvesting grain crops, they are given the responsibility to safely operate all machinery involved in the farming process. Unfortunately, due to the varied number of potential hazards, harvester accidents have plagued the state of Oklahoma for many, many years.
If you or a loved one has been involved in a harvester accident, you may be entitled to compensation for your losses. Depending upon a variety of situational factors, the harvester company, the owner of the land, and many other parties may be held liable. Due to the complexities involved in these kinds of cases, it is essential to hire an experienced personal injury firm to guide you through the litigation process.
Please complete a Free Case Review form today to get started.